Reviewing a Podcast!
Hello everyone! 💛
Welcome back to my blog review. It is week 4, on 19th February 2019 (Tuesday), Madam Azida give us lecture on authentic communication, CMC offers learners easy access and opportunity to communicate with other learners as well as native speakers. On the other hand, context and material of communication is authentic rather than simulated. So, there must be an advantages and disadvantages as well.
- No distance barrier
- Mitigates time as a barrier
- Makes collaborations much easier
- Social influences and detrimental are reduced or eliminated
- (Internal) inhibitions related to the use of technology
- Lack of socio-emotional and nonverbal cues
- Lack of real human contact
Using Podcast and Digital Storytelling in Language Learning
What is Podcast?
- Audio and/or video file
- Broadcast via the internet
- Can be downloaded to computer or mobile
Moving On to 21st February 2019, Thursday lecture.
- (Internal) inhibitions related to the use of technology
- Lack of socio-emotional and nonverbal cues
- Lack of real human contact
Using Podcast and Digital Storytelling in Language Learning
What is Podcast?
- Audio and/or video file
- Broadcast via the internet
- Can be downloaded to computer or mobile
Planning and Creating Tool
Capturing Ideas
- Jot down; show ideas when you are out and about or brainstorming
Script-Writing and Collaboration
Why might you need a script?
- At least two people; you, your co-host(s), and hopefully some guests
- Keep discussion on topic and within your desired time range
In the Studio Tools
- Sound dampening : soft furniture
- Interviewing / co hosting : Skype
- Live-streaming : Google Hangout on Air
- Call recording : Google Voice
- Voicemail service : Simple Voice Box
10% Happier with Dan Harris
#Dalai Lama
Dan Harris sat down with His Holiness Dalai Lama, Leader, Tibetan Buddhism and neuroscientist Richard Davidson. As Dan Harris asked- why is science important to collaborate along with meditation?
Dalai Lama explained that since his childhood he has own curiosity and for him science does provide the well being world of humanity, where open mind concept and carrying research through investigation till something concrete evidence that our open up our mind.
On the other hand, Dalai Lama mentioned that we are being "controlled" by mono science; matters and objects but no sufficient development; no mind consciousness. We are dealing with human being, besides physical; experience, mindset and consciousness are important because for an example, physically a healthy person but internally unhappy person. Adding to that, physical medication failed to bring inner peace.
We being destroyed by own different emotions such us drugs and alcohol problems. People know it is not good at all but somehow; some extend of desperate, they are putting hope for injections, drugs intake and alcohol drinking. It shows no matter to what extent we are highly developed but still being a slave to our own too much of worries and stress. There are no way to solve this problem?
We need to explore rather then stick at one mindset saying that "these are my solutions"- drugs, alcohol and injections.
Learn to meditate. According to Dalai Lama, he prefer to introduce it as genuine mind because for him there are varieties of meditation types such as analytical meditation and single pointed meditation. Dalai Lama mentioned that whatever the types are, just keep in our mind that without the ability to concentrate, a full and complete life is not possible. Personally I never know about these types until I have listen to this health podcast, now I understand that if we lack the mental focus to stay with one activity for any length of time, we will never be able to achieve our goals, build our dreams or enjoy life's process. Without a disciplined mind, trivial thoughts and worries will nag at we and we will never have the capacity to immerse ourselves in more meaningful pursuits. Without deep concentration, our mind will be our master rather than our servant.
This wonderful 27:21 minute podcast about meditation enlightenment or you may acknowledge it as genuine mind is something I highly suggest to listen too. I perceive that it is a method to train our mind to function the way it was designed to function. Here is the key benefit: the peace and tranquility we will feel after twenty minutes of our day. We will be more patient with our relationships with people and give calmness to ourselves.
I have learned to meditate too; I practice it as well. So, for me it is intelligible when I listen to this podcast. We cannot afford not to discover the power of this five-thousand-year-old mind training discipline. Lets work it out, souls!🌞
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