About This Episode
February 12,2019: Search Engines & Online Database
Hello, Souls! I'm back in sharing session😊. Madam Azida introduce what is Search Engines & Online Database.
Search Engines; a software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web(World Internet Service Provider(ISP), Regional ISP and Local ISP). It uses the keywords to search for documents that relate to these key words and then puts the result in order of relevance to the topic that was searched for. Example: Google, Yahoo, Bing (General).
Online Database; a computer application that is delivered from the internet and organizes data to make it accessible to the user.
4 types of Search Engine:
- Database - A storage where all indexed webpages are stored.
- Web-Crawlers/Spider - An automated program or bot.
- User Interface - A user friendly application/site/page.
- Information Retrieval System - System to match the user's query to indexed webpages found in database. Results presented in rank according to relevance.
Specialized Search Engine; Examples: Google Scholar, Education World, Pipl.com, Sketch Engine (Concordance)
Meta Search Engine; Examples: Dogpile.com, Metacrawler
February 14,2019: Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) and ESL
What is CMC?
-Any form of communication or interaction between two or more people.
CMC in Education
-Widespread with the use of Email and forums.
-Internet Chat Rooms in the mid 1990s allowed direct communications.
-Implemented for long-distance learning.
Asynchronous CMC
-Messages are not exchanged and replied to immediately(or not expected to).
-People are communicating at different time.
-Famous asynchronous communication applications are; email, texting,
facebook and youtube.
Synchronous CMC
-Allow for direct communication.
-The exchange of information in real time.
-Famous synchronous communication applications are; instant messaging,
skype, video conferencing , telephone conversation and Internet Relay Chat (IRC).
CMC & Long Distance Learning
-Video conferencing and E-tutoring.
-E-lectures also becoming popular.
Collaborative Learning
-Computer supported collaborative learning.
-Computers can help enhance peer interactions and group work.
-Example: Google Docs.
Just sharing few information regarding my week 3 lecture class with Madam Azida. We will meet again, take care!💗
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